Ottawa, Ontario To North Sydney, Nova Scotia

May 21st 2009 to June 6th 2009


All along the TCH you see signs ... this is the closest that Elsie will get to a live one I fear!
St. Andrews by the Sea .. Out the front window looking onto Passamaquoddy Bay
Again ... not a lot of Rigs in ... extremely peaceful and quiet
The tide is coming in here....
Low tide
High tide ... over a 20 foot daily rise. Passamaquoddy Bay is off the Bay of Fundy
Never the same view ...
Who could live on a lake???
This is supposed to be the best chowder house in New Brunswick
Lobster Rolls and Chowder ... looked good anyway ...
Again ... history all over the place
St Andrews Town Square. The water is just behind us
And here you thought that I typed all these epistles ... the truth is now out
Went for many short drives just to admire the scenery
Every turn it just gets better
This is the Bras d'Or Bridge in Cape Breton Nova Scotia
The view from out Harvey's front window at the Arm of Gold RV Park
Again ... very few people and great scenery
Sunsets too ...
Impressed yet?
From the edge of the Campsite you can see the Church in the next shot. Note the established date
From the Campsite
Went for a drive on highway 103 towards Iona
Ran into some interesting sites
Glad we have the Toad ... it would have been a squish to get Harvey through this
Stopped along the way at what seemed to be a deserted church
Turned out it wasn't ... it was built in the '50's by a Priest who was working with men who had a drinking problem. Part of the rehab was building the Church
Nice Spot
All signs in Gaelic and in English ... gives a pleasant change from the French
Lots and Lots of Churches ... Most are Catholic due to the large Irish immigration in this area
Sure stand out in the landscape
The whole area is divided into "Scenic Drives"
This is where the lake and the ocean meet.
Free ferry ride to the other side
A Cable from one side to the other and a motor on the boat simply pulls on the cable
Nova Scotia flag
Not a bad size .... goes back and forth ever 12 minutes
Bras d'Or Bridge
Welcome to Fort Louisburg ...
The idea is that you park at the visitor centre and then get on a bus which takes you the couple of miles to the actual Fort
This is the Fort as the bus trundles its way to the drop off point
The bus drops you about 250 yards in front of the Gates
At the Gate you are challenged ... French or English ... if you mention English, you can get a real hassle ... in fun
The first house just inside the gate is the Fisherman's House and here is the actual fisherman answering questions about his life
The way it is designed, the harbour is really covered well with lots of cannons
The British, realizing this, came overland and took the Fort (twice) from behind
Beautiful job on reconstruction
Dock side at low tide
Here one of the locals was caught stealing bread so he has been sentenced to the Stocks for a day. He is marched in public through the streets in order to shame him
This is the thief ... in chains being yelled at by the citizens watching
He stands there for 24 hours having "stuff" hurled at him
Charges are read
A drum Roll
Guards making sure he doesn't flee
They look concerned don't they
The convicted thief pleads for mercy from his neighbours ... seems he took a loaf of bread because his family was starving .. shades of Les Miserables
no mercy was shown and the insults came pouring out
This is the King's Bastion where the Church was and the Officers lived
One step up from the stock is this little treasure. If you were caught doing something a little more serious than stealing, you were put on this contraption and very heavy weights were strapped on your feet ... you could be here for a week Yes that is very sharp on the top....
Entry to the King's Bastion
This guy is a scout who is explaining his life and responsibilities
The Church inside the King's Bastion
On guard duty ... Looking at the water ..... They didn't learn
The obligatory "I was here shot"
Street scene with Frederic Gate at end
They really have done a nice job reconstructing this Fort. Drummer in uniform
This is one of the Newfoundland Ferry's "the Smallwood" It is the oldest and is used not as much now. Still a very safe icebreaker ferry
The mouth of The Caribou is open ...
Noah and the big fish story anyone? Away to Newfoundland we go!!


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